Web-based key for the identification of Hemicycliophora spp.
Please fill in your matrix codes following the codes below (Chitambar and Subbotin 2014):
A) Tail shape:
1. Tail cylindrical or sub-cylindrical to conoid with broadly rounded or hemispherical terminus
2. Tail tapering to a short conoid or triangular distal which may be slightly offset dorsally with a narrowly rounded to acute terminus
3. Tail elongate or somewhat elongate conoid, gradually and uniformly tapering (at most, very slightly offset distally) to a narrowly
rounded to acute terminus
4. Tail elongate conoid tapering more or less abruptly in posterior one-third to one-fourth to a slightly or distinctly offset narrower and elongate distal portion with a narrowly rounded terminus
5. Tail cylindrical or sub-cylindrical tapering uniformly then almost abruptly in posterior third to a short, cylindrical, sometimes conoid, digit or spike with a rounded terminus
B) Lateral field:
1. Lateral field without differentiation: no breaks, anastomoses, irregularities or line (transverse band or ridge present on each annulus – H. fluvialis)
2. Lateral field with continuous or occasional breaks and/or anastomoses or diagonal connections of transverse striae only; no lines
3. Lateral field marked with few to many breaks, anastomoses and/or irregularities and one central longitudinal line, continuous or discontinuous over short distances, fine or distinct
4. Lateral field marked with two to three longitudinal lines
5. Lateral field marked with four longitudinal lines
6. Lateral field marked with an irregular number of short, scattered longitudinal lines (H. biloculata, occasionally, H. iwia)
7. Lateral field marked with ovate, circular, sub-circular (H. parvana) or peanut-shaped (H. spinosa) markings or ornamentations, usually visible as two rows with or without two longitudinal lines, a central, third line may be suggested. Also, breaks, anastomoses and/or irregularities of transverse striae may be present
C) Annuli markings (outside lateral field):
1. Annuli smooth, without markings throughout body or sometimes with transverse, median line
2. Annuli marked with few short, irregular scattered scratches or discontinuous lines outside lateral field (in H. zuckermani, short longitudinal line outside lateral field)
3. Annuli marked with numerous fine regular or irregular longitudinal wrinkles, short or long lines or scratches, sometimes dividing annuli into blocks or irregular plates over entire or partial body (in H. signata, irregular or branched swellings and furrows appear as faint lines; markings on posterior body only in H. madagascariensis)
4. Each annulus marked with two rows of disconnected longitudinal scratches or lines, sometimes with central transverse ridge at mid annulus, sometimes forming two rows of blocks on each annulus (H. charlestoni)
5. Annuli marked with distinct or faint regular longitudinal lines forming blocks arranged in longitudinal rows throughout body
D) Stylet length (mean):
1. <= 109 micrometer
2. >= 110 micrometer
E) R (mean):
1. <= 255
2. 256-320
3. >= 321
F) Body length (mean):
1. L <= 1100 micrometer
2. L = 1101-1350 micrometer
3. L = 1351-1700 micrometer
G) c ratio (mean):
1. 4.0-6.9
2. 7.0-9.9
3. 10.0-13.9
4. 14.0-18.9
5. 19.0-29.9
6. >= 30.0
H) V (mean):
1. <=87
2. 88-90
3. >= 91
I) Vulval lips:
1. Not modified or elongate, may be protuberant, rounded
2. Modified, elongate or slightly elongate, anterior and posterior lips about equal length
3. Modified, elongate, one lip (anterior or posterior) longer than or differently shaped than the other (posterior or anterior)
J) Vulval sleeve length:
1. Not elongate, < one annulus long/absent
2. Short/slightly elongate, one to < two annuli long
3. Moderately elongate, two to three annuli long
4. Very elongate, > three annuli long
K) RV(ant) (mean):
1. 100-138
2. 139-179
3. 180-220
4. 221-350
L) RV (mean):
1. <= 20
2. 21-45
3. 46-75
4. >= 76
M) RVan (mean):
1. <= 9
2. 10-20
3. >= 21
N) Rex (mean):
1. <= 55
2. >= 56
O) Labial annuli number:
1. one
2. two
3. three
4. four
P) Lip contour:
1. Continuous
2. Set off or set off by constriction at base
Q) Labial disc:
1. Not elevated/raised
2. Slightly elevated
3. Elevated (greatly protruded and offset in H. hellenica)
R) Head/labial region shape:
1. Round, broadly rounded, semi-circular, hemispherical or domeshaped
2. Conoid or truncate with rounded anterior margins
3. Four distinct lobes produced by median, dorsal and ventral depressions
4. Labial region with bulging oral disc, amphidial plate and lateral plate each separated by distinct groove
5. Hammer-like
6. ‘Snout-like’ appearance formed by broadly projecting, arched labial lobes at anterior end
S) Stylet knob cavity:
1. Indistinct (no cavity apparent)
2. Small cavity
3. Moderate to large cavity, distinct
T) Cuticular sheath fitting body:
1. Closely adpressed/fitting over entire or most of body
2. Loosely fitting over entire or most of body
U) VL/VB (mean):
1. <= 1.9
2. 2.0-3.9
3. 4.0-5.9
4. >= 6.0
V) Amphidial apertures:
1. Open – wide open or partly plugged appearing crescent-shaped or broad slit-like in face view
2. Closed – covered by shields/lateral plates
W) Labial annuli:
1. Not separated/not distinctly separated
2. Distinctly separated
X) Males:
1. Not known
2. Known
Y) Spicule shape:
– 0. Not available
1. Semi-circular or sickle-shaped
2. J-shaped
3. U-shaped
The most closely related species based on Bray-Curtis similarity:
Bray-Curtis similarity between your species and the most similar species: %
List of the most closely related species with Bray-Curtis similarity higher than %:
1. Nguyen, H.T., Trinh Q.P., Couvreur, M., Singh, P.R., Decraemer, W. and Bert, W. 2019. Description of Rotylenchus rhomboides n. sp. and a Belgian population of Rotylenchus buxophilus (Tylenchomorpha: Hoplolaimidae). Journal of nematology. 51: e2019-23.
2. Nguyen, H.T., Trinh Q.P., Couvreur, M., Singh, P.R., Decraemer, W. and Bert, W. 2019. Molecular and morphological characterisation of a new root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus horti n. sp. (Tylenchomorpha: Pratylenchidae) from Ghent University Botanical Garden. Nematology. 21: 739-752.
3. Nguyen, H.T., Trinh, Q.P., Couvreur, M., Nguyen, T.D., & Bert, W. (2021). Description of Hemicycliophora cardamomi sp. n. (Nematoda: Hemicycliophoridae) associated with Amomum longiligulare T.L. Wu and a web-based key for the identification of Hemicycliophora spp. Journal of Helminthology, 95: e2.