I. News in Department Of Nematology (DON)
Đề án xin mở chuyên ngành đào tạo trình độ tiến sĩ về Tuyến trùng học
Với sự giúp đỡ của Lãnh đạo Viện, Phòng Tuyến trùng học đã hoàn thành Đề án xin mở chuyên ngành đào tạo trình độ tiến sĩ về Tuyến trùng học và đã nộp cho Bộ GD ĐT ngày 30/12/2014, theo đó Bộ GD ĐT sẽ thẩm định và trả lời trong Quí I/2015.
Theo qui định tại thông tư 38TT/2010 Bộ GD ĐT: toàn bộ đề án gồm 4 phần sau đây:
i) Tờ trình;
ii) Đề án xin phép mở chuyên ngành đào tạo;
iii) Năng lực của cơ sở đào tạo;
iv) Chương trình đào tạo.
SI- 2011 Activities: Molecular facility at IEBR invested by SI-2011 Project and Education Center and Zoobenthic Collection at Can Gio
II. Research Activities
- Study taxonomy and systematics of plant, soil, insect, and aquatic nematodes in Vietnam.
- Assessement of economic importance of plant parasitic nematodes in Vietnam and designing the sustainable ecosystems based on Integrated Nematode Management (IPM) and ecological balance in agricultural and forest productions.
- Developing biotechnology of entomopathogenic nematodes for biological control of insects and other pests in Vietnam.
- Developing potential use of soil, and aquatic nematodes as tools for pollution assessment and environmental biomonitoring of ecosystems.
- Professional Training in the fields of Nematology.
III. Major Achievements
Nematode Management
- Designed the IPM (integrated nematode management) for black pepper, coffee and rice productions
EPN and Biocontrol
- Evaluated and screened 8 EPN indigenous strains as potential agents for biocontrol of principal insect pests in Vietnam.
- Developed mass production of EPN by in vivo and in vitro cultures and formulated 8 EPN products named as BIOSTARS
- Applied for control of some insect pests of vegetable, tobacco, grapevine and sugarcane.
Use nematodes for Environmental Assessment
- Has been assessed environmental quality of agricultural soil ecosystems based on using nematode community structure and nematode maturity index (MI)
- 2. Has been assessed environmental pollution in some aquatic ecosystems such as: Cau rivershed, Nhue-Day rivers, Thi Vai River, Dong Nai, Saigon River estuary, Halong Bay and the Middle coastal zone of Vietnam based on application of PRIMER-5 & PCORD-4 for statistical analysis of data on nematodes and other benthic communities.
3. Has been compiled of national standards (as ISO-2002 VN) for water quality assessment based on use nematodes and other meio-benthos
IV. International relationships
1. Asocations: European Society of Nematologists (ESN). American Society of Nematologists (SON). International Association of Meiobethologists (IAM), Afro-Asian Society of Nematologist (AASN).
2. Organizations: Inter. Network for Improvement of Banana and Plantain/Asian and Pacific Network (INIBAP/ASPNET).
3. Russia: Institute Biology of Inland Waters, Borok City, Institute of Parasitology, Moscow, RAS. Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences of RAS, Vladivostok City, Russia.
4. China: Guangdong Entomological Institute, Bejing Institute of Biological Control, Marine Laboratory, Quindao Ocean University.
5. Korea: Agricultural College, Kyungpook University. Department of Entomology, National Institute of Agriculture.
6. Germany: Institute for Nematology, BBA, Muenster. Institute of Plantpathology, University of Bonn. Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen University, Kiel University.
7. Belgium: Department of Biology, University of Gent. Merelbeke Agricultural Research Center. Tropical Crop Improvement Center, Leuven Catholic University.
8. UK: CAB International Institute of Parasitology, Natural History Museum London (NHML), Plymouth Marine Science Laboratory. Scottish Crop Institute, Scotland.
9. Australia: Australian Center for Inter. Agric. Research (ACIAR). Plant Pathology Branch, DPI, Queensland. Department of Entomology (CSIRO). Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, University of Adelaide
10. United States: Department of Nematology, University of California, Riverside. Nematology and Entomology Department, University of Florida, USA
11. India: National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India
V. Facility and infrastructure
- Laboratory rooms: identification rooms, experiment testing rooms, pilot culturing room, extraction room.
- Microscopes, Stereomicroscopes, Photoequipments, Centrifugator, Laminar Flow, Oven, Balance, Shaker system, GPS, Computers, Scanner, environmental indication set (TOA) etc.
- Nematode collection (about 12,000 nematode slides and 100,000 nematode specimens).
- Nematode Library.
- Greenhouse (200m2), Experiment Station.
- Experiment field (2500m2), Experiment Station.